
Tuesday 26 August 2014

"Chip?" A theoretical self publishing

The following is the final piece of work for my self written and illustrated satirical book, "Chip?".
We follow Dude, Bro and Man (literally), on a not so epic adventure to recover Dude's crash landed spaceship.
*unfortunately through retrieving from the original online source, some images have darkened. It's something to do with Blogger's rendering. I can retrieve the originals for anyone interested in purchasing the book.*

Freebee commissions for a friend of mine's Youtube Channel

The full version of his banner, the one that would be used for Youtube on TVs

 Heavily cropped for presentation

 Zippity_Zephyr's Youtube banner, cropped to present for my portfolio

 His profile picture for youtube. I removed the writing so the illustration becomes a definable logo, even at the tiny size youtube presents it in

This was what I produced before realising the picture will be too small to see the writing.

Saturday 23 August 2014

3rd attempt

Oscar of Astora. I know the painting isn't great, I kept changing my mind during... but I'd spent too much time on it already so time to move on!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Second attempt at Photoshop Painting

Learning not only how to navigate and use the tools, but also understanding application of colour.

Monday 18 August 2014

Absolutely loved doing this - my first digital painting. Billy the Goat Demon, a character from the story I'm writing.

Tuesday 13 May 2014


A pencil drawing illustrating the patterns of smoke. Inspired by one late night smoke, and sitting in the windless night the smoke spiraled quite beautifully.

Tattoo inspired design

Thumbnails of screenshots from The Walking Dead episode 1 with a focus on the abstract values.

Graphic Novel Spread

A double page example of a graphic novel style sequence.

Various Drawings

Graphic Design

One of my finals for my Btec Graphic Design project

 A logo I designed for a company in care training (or something). I was paid and given a professional reference; the logo was used on letterheads, business cards, their facebook profile and even bumper stickers. I'm quite proud of this achievement!

An idea I had for a business card: I feel that my graphic design abilities are still quite good and I feel it could definitely help my future. Perhaps "Jak Gerrish: Graphic Designer and Illustrator" will be my future title.